This guide is designed to help you learn proper French pronunciation. While there are a lot of similarities between French and English sounds, each language has unique characteristics. Visit this guide as often as you need to find help on pronouncing French words and sounds.
`Sound^1 `Examples^4 `Similarities `in `English
a^1 [a]mi, [a]rbre^4 The `a sounds like the a in `cat.
Θ^1 [Θ]t[Θ], t[Θ]l[Θ]vision^4 The `Θ sounds like ey in `they.
e^1 l[e], d[e] ^4 The `e sounds like the e in `fern.
Φ^1 m[Φ]re, p[Φ]re^4 The `Φ sounds like e in `get.
Ω^1 f[Ω]te, [Ω]tre^4 The `Ω sounds like e in `get.
ai^1 m[ai]s, p[ai]x^4 The `ai sounds like e in `get.
i^1 am[i], [ε]le^4 The `i sounds like the ee in `feel.
o^1 h[o]mme, f[o]rt^4 The `o sounds like the o in `fork.
o^1 gig[o]t, [au]^4 The `o or `au is like the o in `so.
ou^1 c[ou]leur, [o∙]^4 The `ou is like the oo in `too.
u^1 m[u]sique, t[u]nique^4 Does not exist in English. Produce
^4 by positioning your mouth as if you
^4 were going to `whistle
eu^1 dΘj[eu]ner, qu[eue]^4 Does not exist in English. `Similar `to
^4 `e above (Eng. fern) but produce with
^4 `rounded `lips
eu^1 h[eu]re, coul[eu]r^4 Does not exist in English. Same as
^4 `eu above but `relax `rounded `lips
in^1 [in]stant, p[ain]^4 Same as `Ω above but `nasalize `sound.
an, en^1 inst[an]t, [en]fant^4 Same as `a above but `nasalize `sound.
on^1 garτ[on], p[on]t^4 Same as `o in so but `nasalize `sound.
b^1 [b]anc^4 The `b is like the b in `baby.
c(a,o,u)^1 [c]alme, en[c]ore, [c]ure^4 The hard `c is like the k in `key.
c(e,i)^1 [c]et, [c]iel^4 The soft `c is like the s in `some.
d^1 [d]Θjeuner, [d]ur^4 The `d is like the d in `dose.
f^1 [f]ort, [p]hilosophie^4 The `f is like the f in `father.
g(a,o,u)^1 [g]az, gi[g]ot, [g]ui^4 The hard `g is like the g in `gone.
g(e,i)^1 [g]el, [g]igot^4 The soft `g is like the s in `vision.
j^1 [j]e, [j]eune^4 The `j is like the s in `vision.
k^1 [k]ilo, [ch]oeur^4 The `k or `ch is like the k in `key.
l^1 [l]e, [l]a^4 The `l is like the l in `lose.
m^1 [m]Φre, [m]usique^4 The `m is like the m in `mother.
n^1 [n]i, [n]eveu^4 The `n is like the n in `nose.
p^1 [p]Φre, [p]ersonne^4 The `p is like the p in `pose.
r^1 a[r]bre, [r]Θse[r]voi[r]^4 This is a typical French sound.
^4 Memorize the French pronunciation of
^4 the word `rΘservoir to learn the
^4 pronunciation of the r in different
^4 parts of a noun.
s^1 [s]y[s]tΦme, [s]es^4 The `s is like the s in `soft.
t^1 [t]ΘlΘphone, [th]Θ^4 The `t or `th is like the t in `top.
^4 French pronounces the th sound in
^4 theatre as a t.
v^1 [v]Θlo, [v]ous^4 The `v is like the v in `volume.
z^1 mu[s]ique, [z]Θro^4 The `z is like the z in `zoo.
ch^1 [ch]emise, [ch]aise^4 The `ch is like the ch is `shop. Often
^4 the corresponding words are
^4 pronounced the same: chaise-chair
^4 (ch in shop) or choeur-choir (k in
^4 key).
gn^1 pei[gn]e, ga[gn]e^4 The `gn is like the n in `canyon.
Important rule: Once a French sound has been established, it remains the same while the English sound may glide as in the examples that follow. Remember not to glide French sounds.